Reunion 2024

Sat 28th September 2024 was the date for this year's reunion.

We met with a change to the more normal format.

We held the AGM in the Chapel at 11am, before heading to the Fountain for luncheon. 41 people sat down to a splendid meal at which we heard from Antony and Lillie Colton, who are the new owners of SMC, about their plans for the future of the College, with a school due to open in Autumn 2025.

Choir practice followed and then after the photograph, at 5pm, our Reunion Festal Evensong.

You can hear the full service here:

Reunion 2024 We have a new magazine Editor, Frederick Appleby. Thanks to Chris Higman who has now stepped down as the Magazine's Editor.

This is the photograph of those who attended Evensong.
Several who joined us for lunch couldn't stay for the afternoon.

SMCS Magazine 2024

More photos of the day:

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