Music at St Michael’s- update

Music at St Michael’s update: On Sunday September 29th it should have been the choir of Emmanuel Church Wyld Green singing the two services. Unfortunately they cannot now come, so the choir now will be: Quindici Chamber Choir Director Suzanne Edwards, organist Tim Mills Sung Eucharist 11am & Choral Evensong 3pm...

Willis Organ – update

You will recall our appeal to fund a new set of blowers for the Willis Organ in the Chapel. Members responded magnificently to the appeal, and after a few false sarts (mainly due to the pandemic) the blowers were ordered. The latest news (as of 18th Oct) is that the blowers have arrived at...

Sir Sydney Nicholson, Fellow

A former Fellow of SMC, founder of the School of English Church Music, a young Sir Sydney can now be seen in a colourised photo, taken whilst he was at Carlisle Cathedral, prior to him taking up residence near Tenbury during the early 1940’s. You can read more about Sir Sydney’s life and...

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