Roy Massey has let us know of the followi
ng publication, which may well be of interest to members:
I don’t know whether it would interest members of SMCS but I have recently written my memoirs entitled An Organist Remembers published by the RSCM (}. Chapter 8 is entitled St Michael’s College, Tenbury and is a few memories of my time as a Fellow of the College, illustrated by three fine photographs. There is a lot else – Birmingham early days, Warden of RSCM at Addington Palace, Birmingham Cathedral, Hereford Cathedral. My association with St Michael’s was relatively short but much enjoyed as I played for some of Roger Judd’s broadcast Evensongs and for some years we did a combined recital of our two choirs. Roger’s choir in those latter days was absolutely splendid. The book seems to have sold very well and I thought St Michael’s well deserved a mention as I was proud to be a Fellow for those few happy years.
All good wishes,
Roy Massey