Reunion 2024 – details and booking link

A message from the Secretary

Dear Members and Friends

I hope you are all well. As previously emailed, we will be holding our annual reunion this year on Saturday, September 28th.

Our AGM will be in St Michael’s Church at 11am; Evensong is at 5pm; and this year we will be having a Luncheon at the Fountain Inn, Oldwood Common, at 1pm.

It is hoped that by having lunch, rather than dinner, more members and friends will be able to attend. Booking details and full timings will appear in the SMCS Magazine which will be posted out to subscribing members at the end of July.

The magazine and booking form is now available
SMCS Reunion Booking Form — 2024
More details are on our website and will be emailed to all members for whom we have an email address. NOTE: You can book and pay online. Book your place via this link

Please make sure the date is in your diaries!

As usual, on the day, there will be the opportunity to go on a tour of the College. Parking during the day will be available at the College.

Finally, some worrying news from the PCC about the fabric of St Michael’s church. In recent months the PCC have been battling against dry rot in the building and, now, woodworm.

It is costing tens of thousands of pounds to remedy and the PCC is pulling out all the stops to find the money. A full report will appear in the Magazine along with details of how you can help.

I look forward to seeing you on the 28th September.

Kind regards

Tim Coles

Secretary, SMCS

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