Reunion 2024 – last call for bookings

Just a reminder that our Reunion is on Saturday, September 28th and if anyone is intending to come to the luncheon, at the Fountain Inn, we need to know numbers and meal choices by the end of this coming weekend (Sept 22nd). Many thanks for all the replies so far.
Details are in the Magazine and on this site.
As an added incentive to attend, we shall have as our guests at lunch the new owners of the College, Antony and Lillie Colton, who have kindly agreed to update us on what is planned when it reopens next September as St Michael’s Abbey School.
Unfortunately, we will not now be able to have a tour of the College buildings on the 28th and car parking on College grounds will not be possible.
Some parking should be available on the Common, in the layby on the left just before the College and down the Berrington road. But it will be limited!
The day starts with our AGM in St Michael’s church at 11am.
13:00-15:00 Reunion Lunch at Fountain Inn
15:30-16:15 Choir practice
16:15-16:30 Choir tea
16:30 Reunion group photo at the church
17:00-18:00 Reunion Evensong with the Hereford Singers – John Eden (director) and Roger Judd (organist)
Followed by laying of wreath at the Founder’s grave
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