SMC Society Legacy Appeal

Dear Members and Friends

I am writing to you to ask for your help to raise money for something that I know will be close to many of your hearts – the Father Willis organ at St Michael’s.

To be precise, it’s for the blowers – the lungs of the organ which we can still hear resounding triumphantly in our minds even though we might not have been back to the church for decades. To remind you how the instrument sounds, click below:

Over the past year, your committee has been looking at ideas for a legacy for the SMC Society – something to mark our contribution to maintaining Ouseley’s own legacy when we, naturally, cease as an organisation, whenever that may be. After all, none of us are getting any younger!

At the same time that we were considering our ideas, the St Michael’s PCC were drawing up plans to raise £25,000 to replace the church organ’s blowers. The two initiatives naturally aligned, and at our September AGM members backed the motion to support the parish with their fund-raising efforts.

So here we go …..

Attached with this letter is a message from Tony Penn, PCC vice-chairman, setting out what is being done by the parish to secure the very future of the chapel. There is also information on making a donation to the blowers appeal and how another 25% can be added to your contribution through Gift Aid.

We are appealing to you to be as generous as you possibly can to help reach the target. If together we manage to surpass the total, anything extra that we raise will go towards the general upkeep of the organ and church.

Many thanks

Brigadier Christopher Coles CBE


Blower Appeal Details

Gift Aid:
Blower Appeal Gift aid form_web

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